Table of Contents

ECU empowers citizens to exercise their rights and campaigns for an inclusive, transparent and democratic Europe, where the benefits of EU citizenship can be fully tapped.

The right to free movement of persons is one of the four fundamental freedoms underpinning the European project. It is also the right which EU citizens consider to be the most notable achievement of European integration.

ECU has an extensive track record in helping EU citizens in exercising their right to free movement and in-depth knowledge of the problems associated with its implementation.
We answer questions about:

  • ndividuals who are nationals of the European Union, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein
  • non-Europeans – if they are family members of an EU national or resident in an EU country
  • businesses having their seat in the EU
  • European/national information and advice services, on behalf of individuals
  • a real (not theoretical) situation – even if it is just an intention to move to another EU country
  • your rights in one or more EU countries and under EU law
  • your rights when traveling, living, working, retiring or studying in another EU country
  • the rights of consumers within the EU

For citizens from The czech Republic who want to get in contact for more information about their rights or who want to apply for one of our projects please sent an email to