The EU Law Clinic is a non-profit service launched in January 2013 in partnership with the University of Kent in Brussels. It helps EU citizens and their family members resolve problems they face when moving within the EU. The EU Law Clinic:
Provides problem solving of difficult cases beyond the advice provided by the European Commission's Europe Direct, Your Europe Advice (YEA) and SOLVIT services.
Deals with important cases that illustrate shortcomings in EU policy and law or its enforcement in Europe. Pooling similar cases into a "super" complaint provides empirical evidence to argue for changes in policy, legislative framework or enforcement practices.
Encourages collective action across borders, where various interventions (litigation but also administrative and advocacy tools) can be implemented in collaboration with national partners.
Develops a strong educational and volunteer component - this involves students taking a course on EU migration law, PhD students and students as volunteers, as well as pro bono support from law firms.